Sunday, July 3, 2011

Digital Resources for Younger Learners

This is something I have been struggling with for a while now. I would like to find suitable online resources for my younger classes to use, but so far I haven't found what I'm looking for. The budget is there, but the products aren't.
My school subscribes to Britannica online, BrainPOP and Expert Space which are suitable for the upper primary children. For the younger children we subscribe to PebbleGo, BookFlix, Tumblebooks and Enchanted Learning.
PebbleGo is a great resource which supports some of our units of study for research purposes. However, it is very American and doesn't cover the breadth of topics we require. What I really need are more digital resources which can be easily navigated by my younger learners when they are looking for information for their research projects.
I have asked fellow TLs and they feel the same. There is an obvious gap in the market which needs to be filled.